Expand your options. With Ora’s Break it Down Digestive Enzymes, you can enjoy more foods without going through the discomfort associated with indigestion.
Key Information
- Aids digestion
- Contains 15 digestive enzymes
- Contains probiotics
- Helps alleviate bloating and constipation
- Can be added directly to food
Product Overview
Can you hear your tummy complaining about your lunch? It could be indigestion. Ora’s Break it Down Digestive Enzymes contain 15 plant-based enzymes and probiotics to give your gut an extra boost.
Don’t feel upset, some foods are just a little more challenging to digest. Whether you have an intolerance or you’ve just had too many desserts, the enzymes in Break It Down can help process undigested food to help relieve discomfort and aid your gut in absorbing nutrients from food.
It also contains probiotics that promote gastrointestinal health to help you become less prone to digestive troubles.
Take it before or after meals, with water, or sprinkled onto food or drinks - however is most convenient. Break it Down works on most foods so you can focus on enjoying your meal.
Organic Pineapple Juice Powder, Vegetarian Pancreatin Alternative (Bacterial Protease 48,100 HUT, Lipase 2,960 FIP), Aspergillopepsin (50 SAPU), Glucoamylase (5 AGU), Phytase (10 FTU), Fungal Amylase (500 DU), Cellulase (200 CU), Lactase (275 ALU), Papain (150,000 PU), Pectinase (10 endo-PGU), Peptidase (225 HUT), Hemicellulase (350 HCU), Xylanase (50 XU), Bromelain (2000 PU), Beta Glucanase ( 3 GBU), Bacillus Subtilis (1 Bill CFU)
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Ora’s Break it Down Digestive Enzymes Capsules be taken alongside other supplements?
Yes, you can take them with other supplements. If you are on medication, make sure to discuss it with your doctor first to make sure they do not interfere with your medication.
Can I give Ora’s Break it Down Digestive EnzymesCapsules to my kids?
This is intended for adults, but if your doctor recommends it to your children, make sure you are advised on potential side effects and proper dosing.