Need a morning boost but react badly to caffeine? Loud Brew Original Black With L-Theanine is designed to give a big boost of energy, without all the jitters.
Key Information
- 150 mg of caffeine
- Naturally energizing
- Designed to remove caffeine-related jitters
- Only 20 calories per serving
- Naturally free from fat and sodium
Product Overview
Do you feel like you need a boost to get going in the morning, but get too many jitters? Loud Brew’s Original Black Cold Brew With L-Theanine is designed to give you all the benefits of caffeine, without all of the negative side effects.
Loud Brew formulates its Cold Brew with L-Theanine as a means of encouraging clarity and focus. It is designed to offset the side effects associated with caffeine such as anxiety and jitters
is a specialist company. It only makes one product and is dedicated to helping working people get through each day as smoothly as possible.
There are only 20 calories per serving of Cold Brew, with zero fat and sodium, resulting in a healthy drink physically, and mentally.
Coffee, L-Theanine
Frequently Asked Question
Is cold brew coffee strong?
The method for producing cold brew is done over a longer period of time, only using cold water and ground coffee. This results in more caffeine being extracted from the coffee, producing a stronger concentration of caffeine.
This makes it perfect for a busy person but has the potential to leave people feeling anxious. Loud Brew have introduced L-Theanine to its cold brew blend, which has the potential to offset these negative elements of caffeine.